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Christian Brilla
Cultural Projects

Arts & Design

Together with Marketing & Consulting di Giulia Kascina, Italy, the online platform AxtmanBrilla has been established to support culture. Artists from the fields of fine arts, photography and design are presented to a broad audience. Not only artworks, moreover, the creative personalities behind them are brought closer. This is particularly important in the current situation, as no sector of our society had to suffer more than culture from those partly inhumane restrictions on Covid control. Special programs to promote young, emerging artists and women have been launched.

AxtmanBrilla mentorship program

Our Mentorship Board selects five talented artists not older than 30 years of age. Our team elaborates a special annual plan of specific digital and live activities with the aim of giving each selected artist a professional impulse for growth. Such a plan is individually based on the specific situation of each artist. It may include:

Elaboration of their personal brand

Creation of high quality video and photo content (story telling) dedicated to their art and personality

Planning of social media marketing

Creation / improvement of a professional web page / landing and basic SEO

Personal PR consulting and guiding

For every participant of the program, a live pop-up event will be organised in one of the exclusive European locations partners of AxtmanBrilla. At the end of the year, a collective exhibition of all participants will be held. During the whole year of the program AxtmanBrilla presents and promotes the art of the participants on its platform and through its social media channels. Every year, one Golden AxtmanBrilla Scholarship Prize and four Silver Prizes are given to those young artists who participated in the Program. The awards can be exclusively used for educational purposes and/or acquiring books, software, equipment or materials necessary for their artistic purposes.

AxtmanBrilla is planning to develop its Mentorship Program by creating collaborations with leading European art schools in order to add always new possibilities to its assets. The main idea of the program is to stimulate and support creative young people of extraordinary talent in their most vulnerable phase of their professional and personal development by giving them modern and effective tools and guiding them carefully while their personal image as artists is being formed. The team of AxtmanBrilla has all the core competencies necessary to give this kind of support. Moreover, a lot of determination is guaranteed to achieve visible and significant results for each participant by the end of the program. Every young person, who made the difficult choice of becoming a professional artist in our cruelly materialistic society, is very brave and needs to be supported and encouraged by those who believe in their choices. AxtmanBrilla does believe in them, and is there to help.

"AxtmanBrilla Mentorship Program: together for a better future of fine arts." (G. Kascina)

Extraordinary Women Program

There is an Extraordinary Woman in any woman on Earth. A woman only needs to get the possibility to grow freely and to express herself in all potential ways. Good examples of the past may help us not to lose faith in ourselves and to believe that everything is possible. The two main ideas of the program are:

Supporting young creative women giving them space for self expression and linking them to new audiences through a professionally provided one-year long marketing campaign.

Presenting and popularising images and stories of various extraordinary women of the past, some of them well known, some still not really appreciated, with the aim of attracting additional attention to the problems women of creative professions have to affront all over the world.

Every year, we establish a list of five Extraordinary Women of the past to be presented during our live and online events during the next 12 months.

We schedule and hold five live pop-up multimedia and multicultural events in different European locations, dedicated to each Extraordinary Woman chosen for this year, separately.

We choose five young female artists collaborating with our project who create new artworks inspired by the stories of those Extraordinary Women during an entire year. In this art research, AxtmanBrilla follows those emerging female artists, regularly publishing materials dedicated to their art, promoting them through social media channels and producing a series of professionally made short documentary videos.

One final exhibition is held at the end of the year. It consists of different multimedia materials dedicated to all five historical figures plus five new artworks created by our modern collaborators during the program.

We are planning to work closely with museums, libraries, cultural foundations and with living relatives of the selected Extraordinary Women in order to obtain all necessary informations and exhibits. High quality, large scale monitors will be used during the exhibitions since we are planning to present video materials. We will also add sound effects. The task is to create a multisensorial route with a significant full immersion effect, rather than a regular static museum show. Professional dancers, actors and musicians will be invited to collaborate for the opening of the main exhibition. Thus, it can become a valuable multicultural event on the theme of the program.

We create a limited merchandise series with names/images/quotes of the Extraordinary Women (the profit will be used to help the young female artists during the year of their collaboration during the program).

A series of online masterclasses and lectures dedicated to the women included in the project is held by invited scientists, historians, art critics and presented on social media channels of AxtmanBrilla.

“It is culture that determines us as human beings.“ (C. Brilla)


To transfer thoughts into writing is an essential cultural process. Following years of activity as chief executive manager and entrepreneur Prof. Dr. Christian Brilla is now involved in writing for a broader audience:

Current Book Projects

Die 12 Prinzipien des Lebens (Amazon eBooks)

Basic Principles of Life (in preparation)

Wie alles begann – Die Legende von Corona (in preparation)

Skyfall of Modern Medicine (in preparation)

Eat Right, Get Fit & Let It Flow (in preparation)

Reflections on Major Writers (s. Blog)